Responding to Roe v. Wade
by Andy Munao III on June 27th, 2022
Trinity Family, we wanted to share with you a few christian resources about how we as a church can think and respond to the overturning of Roe v. Wade. Below are responses from 1) our EFCA President Kevin Kompelien, and 2) the EFCA Executive Director of Theology & Credentialing Greg Strand. Please use these and share. The Supreme Court’s ruling on Roe v. Wade is a reminder of the sanctity of life....  Read More
1 on 1 Discipleship Prompts
by Andy Munao III on January 19th, 2022
Trinity Family,During Commitment Month 2022, we have committed to being disciples and to making disciples at Trinity. Pastor Ryan challenged us to find one person and commit to spending one hour a week for six weeks with them to talk about what it means to be a disciple of God. This time is meant to be personal and real. It will stretch your faith and hopefully grow the faith of the one you are ta...  Read More
2022 Bible Reading Plans
by Andy Munao III on January 2nd, 2022
Trinity Family, We want you to have deep roots in God's Word so that we can faithfully believe in Jesus, love like Jesus, & and serve with Jesus. Please enjoy the attached reading plans below that our church member Richard Mastronardo put together. There are eight different plans, each emphasizing a different category or type of reading through the Bible. We pray that God will speak to you clearly...  Read More
Pastor Ryan's Sabbatical Letter
by Andy Munao III on June 23rd, 2021
June 23rd, 2021Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!By now, you have probably heard that I am taking a three-month sabbatical this summer starting in July. According to our by-laws, the church gives the lead pastor this time every five years to rest, renew and reimagine. I will be taking this time to rest proactively and research for better work in the future. The sabbatical ...  Read More
10 Tips for Easter Sunday
by Andy Munao III on March 31st, 2021
Trinity Family, This Easter we will welcome many visitors to our worship gatherings. A lot of these guests will step into a church service for the first time! Many, I suspect, do not call themselves Christians. Guests notice and usually comment on how loving a fellowship is (or is not) by their willingness to welcome newcomers. The following are just 10 ways we can help guests feel welcome and at ...  Read More
Part 3 Update | Month of Prayer
by Andy Munao III on March 25th, 2021
Trinity Family,  I still remember the first time I saw a motion picture about the life of Jesus, and the scene of Jesus reacting to what he saw at the Temple. It is a dramatic scene where Jesus overturns the tables of the moneychangers and drives out the sacrificial animals and birds.  In a loud voice he is quoting scripture saying “Is it not written: ‘My house will be called a house of prayer for...  Read More
Part 2 Update | Month of Prayer
by Andy Munao III on March 10th, 2021
Trinity Family,It was 15 years ago but I still remember the moment that I experienced an epiphany… a sudden insight into something obvious that had since escaped my understanding.  I was driving on a highway and my thoughts were on what I would write for a witness I was giving for an upcoming men’s retreat. I began contemplating what it means to know that God is our Father, our Creator and that we...  Read More
Month of Prayer | Part 1
by Andy Munao III on March 1st, 2021
Last year Pastor Andy introduced me and my wife Angie to the church members during one of the 10:30 a.m. services.  It was made known that we visited Trinity Church after talking with Steve and Donna Overmire who were working the Pumpkin Patch sales one weekend.  The last-minute decision to follow a sign in the hopes of finding a pumpkin was completely random.  However, we firmly believe the outco...  Read More
Staff Transitions Update
by Andy Munao III on January 21st, 2021
Trinity Family,We are glad to write to you all about an exciting season in our church! Many of you know that our worship & youth director, Trevor Horton, has accepted the call to be the lead pastor at Cornerstone EFCA church in Rochester, Minnesota. We are excited for how God will use Trevor, Jennifer, Maddie, and Grayson in their new church, and we all pray for God’s blessing upon them. We will m...  Read More
Congregational Meeting Recap
by Andy Munao III on December 21st, 2020
Trinity Family, I wanted to give you a recap of our congregational meeting from December 13th, 2020. I'd say our meeting was more of a "celebration" because we have seen God move in our church family in many great ways this past year!  Read More
COVID-19 Update & Trinity Church (December 2020)
by Andy Munao III on December 1st, 2020
Greetings Trinity Family!I wanted to keep you up to date with what we are doing as a staff to continue to hold in-person church services as we face rising COVID-19 cases in Florida. Now that we are in July, we have transitioned to a 9:00 AM & 10:30 AM services, while also posting a pre-recorded sermon every Sunday morning for those who are more comfortable at home.Here are the ways we are still pl...  Read More
A Pastor's Note Regarding Our Nation
by Andy Munao III on June 1st, 2020
On May 25th, George Floyd, an African American, was tragically killed when Minnesota Police officer Derek Chauvin, a white man, pinned him down with his knee on his neck for almost nine minutes. This terrible event sparked racial outrage throughout the nation. commune that with the unsteadiness of the last three months of COVID-19 and it created and explosion of chaos. Protests turned into violen...  Read More