Ministry TEams
Why we do what we do
God calls all people in the church to action through Gospel living, Gospel community, and Gospel mission. At Trinity, we have "Ministry Teams" who are committed to accomplishing this work together, and YOU are invited to plug in and get involved. Below you can click to read the most recent ministry team updates and see a full list of our current ministry teams.
Adult Sunday School
Our discipleship classes aim to help believers mature in the knowledge and obedience to Christ. They are held on Sunday mornings simultaneously during the 9am & 10:30am worship services. If you have experience teaching through the Bible (book by book or topically) please reach out to see how you can help teach by emailing our >>> Director Richard Mastronardo.
Campus Team
This ministry team ensures that our entire campus and buildings are properly cared for, regularly maintained, overseeing projects and contracts, and ready for ministry activity. If you have interest in helping to serve in this ministry please reach out to>>> Pastor Andy.
Children's Ministry Team
The Children's ministry of Trinity include the Nursery, Sunday School, and AWANA midweek. It's only possible to raise our kids up in the teachings of Jesus with the help of committed volunteers! If you have interest or experience in serving in these ways, please reach out to our >>> Director Molly Budzysnki.
Connections Team
This group of leaders loves to help new people get "connected" to community life at Trinity. They look for opportunities to increase hospitality, build relationships, and help others be part of our church family. If you have any interest or experience in serving in this way, please reach out to our >>> Director Hugh White.
Communion Team
The Communion Team at Trinity is committed to serving the Lord's Supper in reverence to God's people on Sunday mornings. If you have any interest in participating, please reach out to our >>> Coordinator Terry Truffin.
Women's Ministry Team
This team seeks to help women become rooted in their faith, and we offer numerous classes and groups to do just that. If you have any interest in becoming a leader in the women's ministry of Trinity, please reach out to our >>> Associate Pastor Andy.
Food Pantry
At Trinity, we are home to a space for a Food Pantry Ministry that serves the needy in our church & community. This group not only assists in feeding these families but also provides spiritual nourishment as well. IF you have experience or any interest in serving through this team, please contact our >>> Director Ze Carter.
JOY Senior Ministry Team
We have a growing community of people over the age of 60+ who enjoy socializing together and engaging in meaningful fellowship throughout the year. If you have any interest in serving on this team, please reach out to our >>> Director Joan Delph.
Men's Ministry Team
The Men's ministry team at Trinity works to help men develop their identity in Christ through groups, service opportunities, and God's Word. If you'd like to help serve on the men's ministry team, please reach out to our >>> Director Don Walborn.
Missions Team
Our church partners with missionaries and other organizations to spread the Good News about Jesus. This team communicates regularly with our partners, prayers for missionaries by name, and looks for opportunities for local mission. If you have any interest in serving on this team, please reach out to >>> Team Administrator Ashlee Monteith
Safety Team
This team ensures a safe environment for all ministry activities on our campus throughout the week. If you have any interest in serving in this way, please reach out to our >>> Director Garrett Hemsted.
Worship Team
The Worship Teams at Trinity guide the congregation through meaningful Christ-centered worship on Sunday mornings. If you have any experience as a musician or audio tech, or are interested in learning more, please reach out to our >>> Worship Administrator Mallory Santiago.
Small Groups
Small groups at Trinity look to fulfill the example set by the early church in Acts 2:42 - but it's not possible without those who are willing to lead, host, or start a small group at the church campus or in their home. If you're interested in learning more about being a small group leader, please reach out to our >>> Associate Pastor Andy Munao III.
Stewardship Team
This team stewards all of the finances of Trinity under the direction and guidance of the Deacons. If you have experience in financial management and accounting, please reach out to our
>>> Director Jim Elwood. Visitation & Care Team
This group of leaders and volunteers looks to minister to widows, shut ins, hospital visits, and more in our church. If you have experience or interest in serving in this way, please reach out to our >>> Associate Pastor Andy.
Welcome Team
Our Welcome Team works to create a welcoming environment for people to know Jesus through Trinity. If you enjoy this type of Ministry, please reach out to our >>> Associate Pastor Andy.
"The Grove" Youth Group
The Grove youth ministry at Trinity helps students grow deep roots with lasting fruit. If you have any experience or interest in helping serve on this ministry team, please reach out to our >>> Youth Pastor Zane Balmer.