Serving like Jesus

“Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.”  1 Peter 4:10



We love to see Christians passionately serve the body of Jesus Christ with spiritual gifts, skills, abilities, talents, and there experience. We have over 25+ different ministries, groups, and events that could not happen without YOU. How has God gifted you to serve his people?  Here's a few examples:
  • Worship (singers/instrumentalists/communion)
  • Tech (audio/visual/livestream)
  • First Impressions (hospitality team/greeters/ushers/coffee)
  • Small Group Leaders
  • Student Ministry (leaders/events)
  • Children's Ministry (awana/nursery/jam)
  • and more...

START SERVING | 3 easy steps

Sign Up

Fill out the short form below to share your ministry interests with us.

Spiritual gifts test

Discover your spiritual gifts by completing the online assessment.

Meet with a leader

One of our leaders will  follow up with you shortly to take next steps for serving.