Trinity Leadership
Trinity Evangelical Free Church is a congregational church comprised of members, Elders & Deacons, and pastor's & staff. As leaders & servants, our goal is to equip believers for the work of ministry, build up the body of Christ, and disciple His church into maturity (Ephesians 4:12-13).
Pastors & Staff
(Servant Board)
- Jim Budzynski (Elder Chairman),
Terry Truffin,
Richard Mastronardo
Bill Miller,
George Hamrick
Terry Truffin,
Richard Mastronardo
Bill Miller,
George Hamrick
(Administrative Board)
- Allison McConnell (Deacon Chairwoman)
Don Walbourn
Lisa Whilden (Financial Secretary)
Hugh White
Lenny Carter
Stan Priester
Thomas Navarro
Marsha Johnson
Jim Elwood
Don Walbourn
Lisa Whilden (Financial Secretary)
Hugh White
Lenny Carter
Stan Priester
Thomas Navarro
Marsha Johnson
Jim Elwood