We love to disciple and raise kids up in faith in Jesus Christ on Sunday mornings at Trinity. Jesus isn't just someone in a book, but he's a living person who desires a relationship with our kids. Through engaging learning, bible lessons, singing & playing, our Nursery (ages 0-4), and Sunday School (K-5th graders) help the bible come alive. Come join us on Sunday mornings! Have questions? Click the buttons below to contact us.
Sunday Mornings
Nursery | 9 am-11:45am
Children's Sunday School| During 10:30am Sermon (kids dismissed at 10:45 from main service with pickup in the Impact Center after service at 11:30.)
Children's Sunday School| During 10:30am Sermon (kids dismissed at 10:45 from main service with pickup in the Impact Center after service at 11:30.)
Main Building | Impact Center
Nursery-aged children (0-4 year olds) meet in the Nursery room at the end of the sanctuary hallway in the main building.
K-5th graders meet in the first classroom on your right in the Impact Center for Children's Sunday School.
K-5th graders meet in the first classroom on your right in the Impact Center for Children's Sunday School.

Molly Budzynski
Children's Ministry Director
AWANA is our mid-week children's ministry program that is designed to raise kids up in the unchanging truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. AWANA stands for "Approved Workman Are Not Ashamed"! Amid times of change, chaos, and an uncertain future, we believe the church needs to refocus on relational, scriptural, and experiential child discipleship.
Have any questions or interested in signing your kids up? Please email us or sign up by clicking the buttons below to and learn more about AWANA at Trinity Church.
Have any questions or interested in signing your kids up? Please email us or sign up by clicking the buttons below to and learn more about AWANA at Trinity Church.
Tuesday Nights 6 p.m. - 8 p.m.
Join us Tuesday nights from 6:15-8:00.
Season begins Sept. 26th.
PreK - 6th Grade
Season begins Sept. 26th.
PreK - 6th Grade