The Student Ministry of Trinity Church is a Biblically engaging and welcoming community for students who are lost, seeking, or growing in their faith journey. We seek to surround students with intentionality in relationship, truths of Scripture in a shifting culture, and a fun environment! We are a community of flawed individuals seeking to know Christ more and grow in likeness of him.


SUNDAY  9:15AM-10:00AM | 6TH-12TH GRADE
Join us for Youth Group as we gather together in fellowship and learn more about our God. We enjoy food, a time of fun activities/games, Biblical teaching and discussion, and end with time for everyone to hangout together!
Join us for time of fellowship with other students as we look at other worldviews and examine why we believe what we believe as followers of Christ!


Ministry Team is designed to give you the chance to go deeper in your faith and involvement with youth group. We will meet every 2-3 months, usually after church or before youth group to spend time talking about how we can grow as a youth group but also how you can grow in your own faith journey! Additionally, Ministry Team will give you opportunities to serve in different capacities at youth group. 


Click the link below to fill out your information so you can stay up to date with Youth Group nights, trips, or different events!


 We have officially begun our fundraising for Challenge 2022. Click the link for more information about Challenge.


2021-2022 Event Calendar - See the calendar below to stay up to date with trips, events, and youth group!
Fall Kickoff  - We will be relaunching youth group on Wednesday nights starting September 1st, 2021! Join us for a fun night to start the semester.
Altitude Trampoline Park - Join us on September 25th for a trip to Altitude! Click the button below to sign up.
See you at the Pole - Join us on September 22nd at 7 AM for a National time of prayer for our schools.

About Pastor Zane

Zane and his wife Mackenzie got married in June of 2020.  They received the call to Florida in October of 2020, and they moved to Florida from Chicago in Februrary of 2021!
Zane is passionate about ministering to students and bringing clarity to God's Word and looking at how it applies to our daily lives. He enjoys playing basketball, riding motorcycles, and doing anything that involves adventure! Zane graduated with a degree in Biblical Studies from Trinity international University in May of 2021, and is currently seeking his Master of Divinity.

Contact Pastor Zane

We'd love to hear from you! Let me know if you have any questions.